這篇外電的名字叫做Five questions for Nuggets forward Eduardo Najera
可是其實是在問他一個叫做Cinco de Mayo(五月節)的日子
這篇外電的名字叫做Five questions for Nuggets forward Eduardo Najera
可是其實是在問他一個叫做Cinco de Mayo(五月節)的日子
San Antonio - Ask NBA millionaire Eduardo Najera to
identify a mentor he owes everything, and his answer
is a slam dunk, but has zero to do with basketball.
請NBA的百萬富翁Eduardo Najera定義一個他常存感恩的心
As is the case in everyday life, relationships can get complicated
during the NBA playoffs.
In Denver - Najera as Tough as They Come in Today's NBA
在丹佛-說到 NBA,Najera 給人的印象是堅毅